The Uncertainty Of Life

Genamie Rotimi

Uncertainty ..|| 28, Aug 2024.

These days I have been focusing all my THINKING energy on the future and what’s to come. And I can’t help but wonder what if things don’t go the way I and others have planned be it good or bad. It may surprise but some people make good plans for themselves and shit still go wrong for them, you don’t believe me? OK then, let me tell you a story;

Obi Is a boy turned man who had the sheer opportunity to study in England, I know you might be thinking what’s so special about that I mean Nigerians study in England all the time no fuss needs to be made but let inform you if you were unaware that In the 90’s only like one in hundred Nigerian had that opportunity. Even though now it’s common to see parents send their children at obi’s own time it was hardly attainable that was why for him to travel his whole community had to come together to gather the money which he will eventually pay back after four years of him studying law at least so they thought but when he got there he changed the plans or maybe that was his plan all along and he didn’t mention but to the villagers that contributed and sent him to the big, glamorous ABROAD it was a drastic change of PLANS. Not much is known about his stay in England only that he studied English, hooked up to girls of different races and he fell in love on boat while coming back to Nigeria.

When he came back to his beloved country everything went particularly “as planned” he got a job that paid him extremely well, had a car, good roof over his head and a beautiful, educated girlfriend soon to be fiancée, in short; he had everything that will make man absolutely comfortable but he was a bad spender and he had his scholarship bills to paid back, he had younger siblings, older siblings and even parents to take care of especially he’s mom cause she was sick but she will eventually die which was rather sad… but life goes on, I’m no bummer. So in a very short time he landed in one debt to another it was bad to the point where Clara his girl had to lend him money which he didn’t take cause of he’s intrusive masculine ego it caused some fights for them but they moved on from it and they, were happy again.

Now this where things get weird.

You remember when I said obi lived and existed in the 90’s well in the 90’s they had this whole thing where a certain person will be marked out and exiled by the rest of their community to be honest from the stories I hear they make it sound like the whole country {NIGERIA} does not associate with these people when it comes to things like marriage, kingship and the rest, their reason being that this people are meant for sacrifices to the idols that existed then, It might shock you that till to day some women and men are still single or unmarried just because they are
And yes, Clara was an osu too that’s the only background check needed on her, our guy obi was a forward thinking man being that he has lived in England and he had seen the way white people lived he knew that whether Nigeria liked it or not the was what our future looked like so he promise her that her osuness didn’t matter and he was going to marry no matter because believed as a matter of fact he knew that in the nearest future Nigerians will be less ridged with culture and more open to western ways, was he right? Maybe! But one thing he didn’t see coming was the way and even the fact that Clara eventually broke up with him, she based her reasons on the osu thing but I personally thought there was more to it, however she was kind enough to give him “a last wonderful night” as she bid him goodbye for good, not long after his mom followed suit but hers was more tragic cause she bid the whole wide world goodbye, till we meet again in heaven or wherever. Obi losing Clara and his mom were two events that happened he didn’t plan for but life threw it at him anyways.

And honestly that was just the tip of the iceberg, after losing two women he loved most in the world. It was like he lost himself to because he stared drinking, gambling, womanizing and so many other things that was generally and society-considered bad, before the change in character you remember I told you he was bad spender and he had money issues well it became worse. He had what was called at the time an “European post” it basically meant he was influential, like you already know people in our dysfunctional society pay influential people to influence things to favor them and that did not start today. I know you are thinking he took bribe because he sounds like a BAD man and I couldn’t agree more but he did not, in fact “NO BRIBE” was a policy obi would rather die than break, but that didn’t mean the people around him had any policy at all cause guess what they didn’t, he’s secretary guy who needs no background other that the fact that he was money-thirsty bastard, this fool collected bribe from people claiming to be obi and not just huge amount of money, for girls he would copulate with them and when they refuse to give him more he will rape them.

To cut the long story very short, people started pressing charges on obi. And he was taking jail and then to court, based on the life he had been life for the past months nothing pointed to he’s innocence and he had no money to get a good lawyer to defend him. At the end he spent the better part of he’s years in jail for crimes he didn’t commit which is a fail in Nigeria’s law enforcement but that’s another story, now obi is old he still remembers when he was 26 and a new England-graduate he had so many quote on quote good plans for life but none went as he hobed. But he still believes it’s the beauty of life and I do too.

The point of the story is to let you, yes YOU! Know that making plan is great and making the right plans even better but one thing you should realize as the moral of the story is that life doesn’t always go as planned and that too is okay, you can do everything right and things will still go wrong, so take some time to relax and hope on GOD cause only him can actually make your dreams or plans as I like to call it come through.


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