Read Nelly B's Pen

Another Chance to Make things Right || Short Story

Nelly B.

Another chance...||
Ai generated potrait.


Sitting in my office, the scene from a few days ago keeps replaying in my head:

“I want a breakup, Danny.”

These are the six words that came out of Jenny’s mouth as I stood still in my room, staring directly at her. From her expression, I could tell she wasn’t joking about breaking up this time.

“A breakup? Why?” I asked, surprised by the whole situation.

“Yes, a breakup, Dan. It’s obvious that our relationship isn’t working out. I feel very much single even though I am dating you.”

“I’m still confused, Jenny.”

“You’re always prioritizing your work over me, your girlfriend. I’m sick of constantly competing with your work for your time and attention.”

“Jenny, you know I’m doing all this for our future, to provide for your needs.”

“Oh, forget that! Money isn’t everything; you should know that!”

“I know, but I do try my best to make time for you. So why all this nagging?”

“Exactly what I’m trying to say, Dan. You’re always busy with work. To you, work comes first before me. No time or attention from you, and when I bring this up, you call me a nagging girlfriend, which is even more frustrating.”

“Okay, fine. I’m sorry for calling you a nag. I’ll try to create more time for you, so calm down, Jenny.”

“Funny enough, that’s what you keep saying, but nothing ever changes. I’m tired, Danny, and it would be best to end things here so we can go our separate ways.”

“No, Jenny, I will not consent to this breakup.”

“You don’t have a choice, Dan. I’m breaking up with you, and I don’t need your consent to do so.”

“Jenny, please, let’s talk this out like adults.”

“I’m sorry, Dan, but we are done. Our relationship is officially over. Good luck with marrying your work.” Jenny said, turning to leave.


I stopped Jenny from leaving. “Yes, Dan?”

“Are you sure this is just about me, or is this an excuse to leave me for someone else?”

“There’s no one else, Danny. You know I’ve always been faithful throughout our three years together, so that question is irrelevant.”

“Fine. If this is what you want, then you’re free to leave, Jenny. I’m sure there are many other girls who would jump at the chance to date me.”

“I guess so. Anyway, good luck with them,” Jenny said, finally walking out without looking back.


That was the last I heard from Jenny, my now ex-girlfriend.

A knock on my office door interrupts my thoughts. I sigh, knowing it must be Mira, my talkative cousin. I did invite her over a few minutes ago after recounting everything about my breakup with Jenny to her during our phone conversation.

“I hate to say I warned you earlier, Danny. You’re a workaholic, and no girl wants to be with a man who gives more time and attention to his work than to her. To me, that’s a relationship with no direction,” Mira chides as she sits on a sofa in my exquisite office, directly facing me.

I know, Mira, but what I need right now is a way out, not all this scolding.”

Mira sighs. “I’m just disappointed in you, Danny. So what now?”

“I need your advice on how to get her back into my life, Mira.”

“Lol, medicine after death, huh?”

“I’m serious, Mira.”

“Do you still love her?”

“Yes, I do love Jenny very much, and you of all people know that, Mira.”

“Then do what she wants. Give less concentration to your work and more time and attention to her. Make efforts to win her back as soon as possible, or you risk losing her forever.”

“I know, and that’s why I called you here. How do I do that? I’ve tried calling and texting her to talk things out, but she isn’t responding to any of my calls or messages. I’m out of ideas, Mira.”

“If that’s the case, then simply let her go.”

“No, Mira. That’s out of the question because I’ve come to realize how special she is to me these past three days we’ve been separated.”

“Does that mean you’re truly going to change and focus more on her as your girlfriend?”

“Yes, Mira. I’ll do anything to get Jenny back into my life again, even if it means changing my workaholic ways.”

“I’m happy to hear this.”

“So Mira, what’s your suggestion for the way forward? Should I call her parents and plead with them to beg her on my behalf?”

“Hmmm, there’s no need for that, Danny.”

“Why, Mira? Do you have a better suggestion?”

“Yes, my suggestion is that you can apologize to her now that you have the opportunity and try not to hurt her again.”

“I don’t understand what you’re saying, Mira. How do I apologize when she’s not here? Quit joking when I’m being serious.”

“Well, I am serious too, Danny. You can come in now, Jenny.”

The office door opens, and Jenny, dressed in a short-fitting pink gown, steps into the office, smiling affectionately at me.

“I’m here, my love.”

“Wow, Jenny, how come you’re here?”

“It’s all my doing, Danny. I came here with her, but I told her to wait outside your door for my signal while I first talked to you,” Mira explains, laughing loudly as if it were all a joke to her.

“Yes, Danny. She arranged this meeting. I came here yesterday, apologized on your behalf, and promised to talk to you about your attitude towards our relationship,” Jenny says.

“Yes, cousin. When you called me to come over to your office today, I seized the opportunity to bring her with me so you two could reconcile and sort out your differences.”

“Wow, thanks a lot, Mira.”

Moving towards Jenny, I say, “I’m sorry, Jenny, for everything I put you through in our relationship. I’m also sorry for neglecting your emotional needs. Please give me another chance to make things right. I promise to do better this time.”

“It’s okay, Danny. If I hadn’t forgiven you, I wouldn’t be here. So yes, Dan, I forgive you.”

“I love you, and these past few days have been hell for me as I couldn’t stop missing you. Please be my girlfriend again.”

“I love you too, Danny. I couldn’t stop missing you, and yes, I will be your girlfriend again and again.”

“Wow, thank you so much, Jenny.”

With excitement, I didn’t realize when I engulfed Jenny in a tight embrace. Pulling out of the embrace, I smirk at her.

“There’s one more thing.”

“What’s that?” chorus both Mira and Jenny with obvious curiosity.

Going down on one knee in front of Jenny, I say, “I’ve always wanted to do this, and I’m happy today is finally the day I get to do it.”

“Wow, Danny, I can’t believe this,” Jenny exclaims, her face full of surprise.

“Please, Jenny, will you marry me and make me the happiest man tonight?” I propose, holding the ring I had purchased the morning after our breakup.

“Awww, my cousin is so romantic.”

The silence that follows after my proposal makes me nervous about her reply. Still kneeling in front of her, I say, “Jenny, please say something. Will you marry me?”

Jenny, lovingly looking at me, replies, “Yes, yes, yes, I will marry you, Danny.”

That’s all I needed to hear. I gently slip the ring onto her finger before enveloping her in a passionate kiss, our mouths dancing in perfect rhythm with my hands fumbling her clothes in an attempt to remove them.

A cough from Mira abruptly stops us, reminding me that she’s still here.

“Ermmm, it seems you two are forgetting that a third party is still here. Anyway, I think it’s time I excuse myself. I’m happy for you two, and congratulations, Jenny!”

“Thanks a lot, Mira. I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome, future wife. After I’m gone, you two can continue from where you left off. See you soon, bye!” Mira winks at us before finally leaving my office.

“Bye, cousin.”

Now it’s just me and Jenny in my office.

“So now that she’s gone, can we continue from where we left off?” I romantically whisper in her ear, swiftly sweeping her off her feet and onto one of the office sofas.

I gently get on top of her body, sensually nibbling at her lower lips, seeking entrance into her innermost chamber.

Granting the entrance, she slowly reciprocates my kiss, sucking hungrily on my lips as though she’s savoring a lollipop.

“Wait, Jenny. I need to lock the door first. I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

“Ahahaha… naughty boy.”

“I love you, Jenny.”

“I love you too, Danny.”


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Blessing Bassey S.

Blessing is a writing enthusiasts. She endears poetry.

Joined, 2023.

Nduo Eduo, Eket, Nigeria

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