How to be Healthier This Year..

Kasali Fathia

Healthier...|| March 4, 2023.

In Africa, Nigeria is known as the Giant of Africa, but the same can't be said about health indicators in the country Nigeria. With an increasing population, health conditions seem to be worsening as there are no provisions for the healthcare system. Nowadays, new illnesses have become prevalent and a regular occurrence in different parts of Nigeria, but as a Nigerian, what can you do to live a healthier life in 2023 despite no provisions by relevant authorities?

In this article, I will be highlighting 10 habits to adopt to live a healthier life in 2023. And the most intriguing part is that these habits are simple day-to-day actions that would reshape your health completely. If you didn't list living healthy as part of your 2023 goals, now is the time to do that because your health is your priority and you're more accountable for it. Below are 10 steps on how to live healthier in 2023

Reduction of Salt Intake: In most households today, high salt intake has become a habit. This is due to the desire to make sweet, mouth-watering meals. However, our forefathers made delicious and mouthwatering delicacies too without emptying all the salt in the sea into their meals. Sodium is a major constituent of table salt and a high level of it in the body can increase the rate of blood pressure. Increased blood pressure will increase your risk for heart disease and stroke. If you want to protect your heart and general health this year, reducing your salt intake would be a great step to take, such as:

  • —Avoid adding too much salt to your food.
  • —Avoid using food additives and spices that contains high level of sodium e.g Soy sauce. And if you must, do not combine them with salt.
  • —Avoid adding salt to foods that do not require salt e.g Fried Plantains.

Reduction of Soda Intake: Soda, also known as soft drink, is a popular beverage in Nigeria. It is often taken for refreshments especially when chilled. However, with how soothing soda can be while gulping, it is not good for our health due to its high sugar content. One can of soda contains about 10 to 13 teaspoons of sugar which is more than 80% of the daily recommended intake for a healthy diet. Several health reports have linked high sugar intake to increased blood pressure, diabetes and obesity. Cutting out soda might seem impossible but soda can get replaced by healthy alternatives such as natural fruit juice, yoghurt, smoothies, hibiscus tea (zobo), tea and water.

Reduction of Energy Drink Intake: In recent times, different brands of energy drinks have penetrated the beverage market and have become quite popular. Their intake has become very common among people of different ages and professions since they're known for energy stimulation. However, the joy in the energy simulation derived from these energy drinks is in total contrast to how much wreck it does to the body system due to the amount of sugar it contains. One can or bottle of most energy drinks is said to contain 18 teaspoons of sugar. Sadly, most people consume more than one bottle of energy drinks daily which endanger their health. This high amount of sugar can increase a person's risk of diabetes. Also, the caffeine content of energy drinks can increase heart rate and risks of heart diseases, as well as increase a person's risk of insomnia. So, to live a healthier life in 2023, cutting down your energy drinks from your diet would be a great leap.

Exercising Regularly: Exercises are a great way to improve your health. They're defined as a group of physical exercises that makes your muscles work and burn calories. However, exercising can help you in the following ways:

  • — lose weight and reduce your risk of obesity,
  • —build strong muscles and bones,
  • —increase your energy level,
  • —and reduce your risk of chronic diseases like high cholesterol, some types of cancer, diabetes and hypertension.
Regular exercising can also improve your mood and sleep quality. So make up your mind to take exercise as an activity for healthy living this 2023. You don't have to start big or hire a fitness instructor; the internet can be a good source of help to kickstart your workout routine. There are numerous videos and apps that you can use to start exercising. You can also sign up for a gym membership. All that matters is your consistency and diligence towards it.

Improving Sleeping Habits: In today's generation, quality sleep has been relegated and is now seen as a sign of laziness, with repercussions which we must know such as:

  • —Short sleep duration can increase a person's risk of obesity and impair brain function.
  • —Sleeping for less than 7 hours daily is linked to an increased risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.
  • —Poor sleeping habits can also result in depression over time. Sleep is our body's way of recharging and it has to be done rightly. Doctors recommend about 7-9 hours of quality sleep for adults daily. To live a healthier life this year, prioritize your sleep and get enough hours of sleep daily.

    Reduction of Alcohol Intake: Healthcare professionals have always advised against low alcohol intake but this advice is often taken with levity. Most healthcare professionals agree that there's no safe level of alcohol consumption. However, if you cannot do without drinking, moderate level of alcohol should be taken such as drinking not more than one bottle a day for women and two bottles for men. This should also be accompanied by your doctor's advice in case of any health condition or risk of you developing any health condition that's linked to alcohol intake. High levels of alcohol intake can predispose you to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, cancer and many more serious health conditions. It is advisable to stay away from alcohol completely or take alcohol moderately to live a healthier life.

    Increasing Water Intake: Dehydration or low water intake is a very common health factor today. Most people do not take enough water to keep their body functioning properly. Healthcare professionals advise about 2.7 litres intake for women and 3.7 litres intake for men. Good water intake is necessary for certain physical performance, such as:

    • —Energy and brain function,
    • —Digestion and
    • —Proper functioning of the kidney,

    Abstaining from Drug abuse and Use of Herbs: Most Nigerians are guilty of using drugs without a prescription from health personnel. The use of herbal medicine is also seen as a great alternative to modern drugs by most people. This is however not a great practice as the use of drugs without a prescription can be dangerous and trigger a negative reaction. Also, the use of herbal medicines bought from mostly hawkers has been condemned by a lot of healthcare professionals. Some of these herbs have been found to contain substances that can put a person at risk of developing kidney failure. You can make your 2023 healthy by not taking drugs without a prescription and staying away from herbs except approved by NAFDAC and prescribed by a healthcare professional.

    Eating healthy Food: The need for healthy food cannot be overemphasized as what we put into our body has a great effect on our entire well-being in the following ways:

    • —Foods that have high sugar and fat content should be avoided.
    • —Junks and unhealthy alternatives to food should be avoided.
    • —More vegetables and fruits should be added to your diet.
    • —Use of spoiled tomatoes and other harmful food for cooking should be avoided.
    • —Foods that contain no nourishments should be removed from the diet.
    • —Processed foods that contain harmful substances should be completely avoided.
    • —Eating habits should be monitored to prevent excessive intake of certain substances.

    Routine Health check-ups: Regular health check-ups are often seen as a thing for the rich alone but they're very important for everyone. It is important for every individual that cares about his health to visit the hospital regularly to check for any health issues. Regular health check-ups can also help detect health conditions as soon as they occur. As you're planning to live healthier in 2023, it is important to add health check-ups to your budget. Good health is indispensable and can be achieved with the healthier habits listed above. If you have issues trying to cut out some habits from your daily life, the help of a professional can be sought. In all, make your health a priority this year, and beyond.


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